__Quantitative methods for cyber-physical programming__ - is an FCT project that aims at develop the mathematical foundations of cyber-physical programming by taking into account uncertainty and behavioural distance.
__Distributed Architectures - Variability and Interaction for Cyber-Physical Systems__ - is an FCT project to analyse interactions among software components considering aspects such as real time and variability. It produced 9 conference publications, 3 journal articles, 1 master thesis, it was involved in the organisation of 3 workshop, an invited tutorial, and a Spring School, and produced several tools available online in http://arcatools.org.
__Running Secure Runtime Verification for Reliable Real-Time Embedded Software__ - is an FCT project that proposes a novel framework for Runtime Verification of Real-Time Embedded Systems.
__Coalgebraic Modeling and Analysis for Computational Synthetic Biology__ - is an FCT project that aims at the design of biological systems in a systematic way, using the theory of coalgebras.
__Predictable Multiprocessor Platforms for Embedded Safety Critical Systems__ - addresses the following challenges with respect to the introduction of multicore processors in safety-critical systems:
- model and analyze the timing interference generated by the hardware resources shared between cores (e.g., caches, interconnect and I/O devices);
- propose runtime mechanisms and scheduling solutions to mitigate the unpredictability of COTS multicore processors by controlling the interference between cores;
- develop tools for the automatic system configuration before its deployment.
__Trustworthy Software Design with Alloy__ - is an FCT project that proposes to investigate lightweight approaches to verify software systems via the Alloy toolset, considering aspects such as variability of systems
__Program Understanding and Re-engineering - Calculi and Applications__ - is an FCT project POSI/ICHS/44304/2002 aiming at developing calculi for program understanding and re-engineering.