Formal Software on ArcaTools

ArcaTools is a framework to bring to the web a collection of tools, decreasing the time to start experimenting with existing tools, while exploiting the interactivity and visualisation capabilities of existing web technologies. Developed mainly by members of ARCA.

All tools follow the following approach:

  • Back-end developed mainly in Scala, resorting to other independent projects;
  • JavaScript code generated when possible, some parts executed on our servers when needed;
  • 3rd party tools are linked internally, such as: mCRL2, UPPAAL, and SageMath;
  • All code is open-source and available.

You can find experiment the tools and find the associated resources online:

Some of the featured tools include:

José Proença
José Proença
Assistant Professor

José Proença is an Assistant Professor at Faculty of Science of the University of Porto, and a researcher at the Research Center in Real-Time & Embedded Computing Systems, ISEP, in Portugal. His core research targets coordination aspects and formal methods in the context of Cyber-Physical Systems. He is actively involved in a NextGenerationEU project and in 1 FCT project. He currently belongs to the steering committee of 2 international conferences in fundamental computer science, he chaired the program committee of 6 international research venues with edited proceedings, edited 2 journal volumes, and was the member of 19 program-committees of international venues.