3rd International Workshop on Verification & Validation of Dependable Cyber-Physical Systems
The VERDI workshop aims at serving as a discussion forum focused on the area of V&V as a means to guarantee dependability of complex, potentially automated/autonomous CPS. This workshop covers all aspects related to the dependability evaluation (with special focus on safety and security) of safety-critical CPS using techniques such as fault/attack-injection, runtime verification, formal verification, semi-formal analysis, simulation, and testing.
Important Dates
- Paper submission: March 21 (AoE)
- Notification: April 23 (AoE)
- Final version: April 28 (AoE)

Assistant Professor
José Proença is an Assistant Professor at Faculty of Science of the University of Porto, and a researcher at the Research Center in Real-Time & Embedded Computing Systems, ISEP, in Portugal. His core research targets coordination aspects and formal methods in the context of Cyber-Physical Systems. He is actively involved in a NextGenerationEU project and in 1 FCT project. He currently belongs to the steering committee of 2 international conferences in fundamental computer science, he chaired the program committee of 6 international research venues with edited proceedings, edited 2 journal volumes, and was the member of 19 program-committees of international venues.