RSSRail 2025

International Conference on Reliability, Safety and Security of Railway Systems

The fifth RSSRail will be

in Pisa, after the summer, in a date to be announced. The railway industry faces increasing pressure to improve system safety, to decrease production costs and time to market, to reduce carbon emissions and running costs, and to increase the capacity of the railway. Railway systems are now being integrated into larger multi-transport networks. Such systems require an even higher degree of automation at all levels of operation. These trends dramatically increase the complexity of railway applications and pose new challenges in developing novel methods of modelling, analysis, verification and validation to ensure their reliability, safety and security, as well as in supporting novel mechanisms and procedures to help make the case that development processes meet the mandated standards.

José Proença
José Proença
Assistant Professor

José Proença is an Assistant Professor at Faculty of Science of the University of Porto, and a researcher at the Research Center in Real-Time & Embedded Computing Systems, ISEP, in Portugal. His core research targets coordination aspects and formal methods in the context of Cyber-Physical Systems. He is actively involved in a NextGenerationEU project and in 1 FCT project. He currently belongs to the steering committee of 2 international conferences in fundamental computer science, he chaired the program committee of 6 international research venues with edited proceedings, edited 2 journal volumes, and was the member of 19 program-committees of international venues.